
Northumberland Quad Bike Trek. This exhilarating outdoor activity takes you through some of the most breathtaking landscapes in England. Perfect for adventure seekers, families, and groups, this quad biking experience offers an unforgettable journey across rugged terrains, rolling hills, and scenic trails in Northumberland.

Start Your Adventure: What to Expect

Kick off your quad biking adventure with a warm welcome and a comprehensive briefing session to ensure your safety and enjoyment throughout the trek.

Key Highlights:

  • Welcome Session: Meet the friendly staff and fellow adventurers.
  • Safety Briefing: Learn about the safety measures and get equipped with the necessary gear, including helmets and gloves.
  • Quad Bike Introduction: Familiarize yourself with the quad bike, understanding its controls and handling.

Northumberland Quad Bike Trek | Group of people in red jumpsuits and helmets posing with two quad bikes on a sunny day

Exploring Northumberland’s Scenic Countryside

Embark on a journey through Northumberland’s picturesque landscapes. This region is known for its natural beauty, historic sites, and diverse wildlife.

Key Highlights:

  • Rugged Terrains: Navigate through challenging terrains, including muddy trails, rocky paths, and steep inclines.
  • Rolling Hills: Enjoy the panoramic views of Northumberland’s rolling hills and open fields.
  • Woodland Trails: Ride through dense forests, experiencing the tranquility and beauty of nature.
  • Wildlife Sightings: Keep an eye out for local wildlife such as deer, birds, and small mammals.

Northumberland Quad Bike Trek | Two people riding red ATVs through a forest trail.

Historical Landmarks and Points of Interest

Along the trek, you’ll encounter various historical landmarks and points of interest that add an educational aspect to your adventure.

Key Highlights:

  • Hadrian’s Wall: Get a glimpse of the ancient Roman fortification, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Historic Castles: Ride past some of Northumberland’s famous castles, such as Bamburgh Castle and Alnwick Castle.
  • Ancient Ruins: Discover the remnants of ancient settlements and learn about their historical significance from your guide.

Northumberland Quad Bike Trek | Group of people riding ATVs through a muddy forest trail

Mid-Trek Break: Refresh and Refuel

Take a break halfway through your trek to relax, enjoy some refreshments, and soak in the surroundings.

Key Highlights:

  • Scenic Spot: Stop at a beautiful vantage point with stunning views for a rest.
  • Refreshments: Enjoy light snacks and beverages provided by the tour operators.
  • Photo Opportunities: Capture memorable moments with your quad bike and the breathtaking backdrop.

Continuation of the Adventure

After the break, continue your quad bike trek, exploring more of Northumberland’s hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path trails.

Key Highlights:

  • Hidden Trails: Venture onto lesser-known paths that offer unique challenges and sights.
  • Custom Routes: Depending on the group’s skill level, the guide may tailor the route to include more adventurous trails.
  • Group Interaction: Enjoy the camaraderie of fellow riders, sharing stories and experiences.

Northumberland Quad Bike Trek | Person riding a red ATV through a muddy trail in a forest.

Practical Information

Experience Duration: Approximately 2-3 hours

Meeting Point: Designated starting point provided upon booking

Best Time to Visit: Spring and summer for the best weather and visibility

What to Bring: Comfortable outdoor clothing, sturdy footwear, and a camera

Age Requirements: Minimum age requirement of 16 years; check with the operator for specifics

Fitness Level: Moderate fitness level required


The Northumberland Quad Bike Trek offers an exciting blend of adventure, nature, and history. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a first-time adventurer, this experience promises a day full of thrills and scenic beauty. Book your quad bike trek today and prepare for an unforgettable journey through one of England’s most stunning regions.

Blue button with text "Check Availability Now" for online booking or reservations.

By Mac